Thursday, March 28, 2013

What a Day!

Cathedral Rock
Oil on canvas, 30x40

This was the fourth of four paintings I made in Sedona on Wednesday, and I have to say, I love it! 

It is 30x40 - BIG! - and, taking a tip from the late Louisa McElwain, I bought a masonry trowel and used it to apply the paint. 

These rock formations demand it. They are huge, they are bulky, they are ridged and rolling and crenelated - and even though they are far away, the details are visible. 
The temptation is to try to paint each and every fold, each and every striation, each and every shadow - but that's not me, that's not how I paint - and it's not how I want to paint. 
To capture their splendor and muscle, I found I needed a bigger tool than I had. The masonry trowel is bigger than I am comfortable with, and stiffer than I like, but it worked. 

It was challenging and exhilarating, and I love the result. 


So here's my question: How do you live in a place like this?
How do you go to the grocery store and the library and the gas station when you are surrounded by this incredible scenery?
How do you pay attention to the chores and to everyday life?  
My guess is that people say they get used to it -  but I would never want to get used to it! 

Here's my painting in the landscape: 


Scenes from the day

These bronze statues at one of the National Forest information areas are just about life-size, I'm told. Though I haven't seen a javelina, or wild pig, lots of folks I spoke with have seen them. 

The photo above and the following photos are all scenes from Sedona

Sunset on a beautiful day. This is the highway out of Sedona. 

And here's the Dog of the Day! 

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