Friday, April 5, 2013

See Pieces from the Tubac trip in the Groton Public Library!

Some of my western landscapes

"Carden Holland and I hung our show "There and Back" at the Groton Public Library on Friday and it looks great! 

All of the 10x10s I've made so far from the Tubac trip are hanging, as are three of the large pieces. 

Carden has a whole bunch of beautiful pieces, some in oils, some using a multimedia technique she's developed over the years. 

The show will be up through the 26th, though Carden's work will come down a few days earlier. 

On Saturday, I will be at the library pretty much all day, so please stop in! 

Some of Carden's work

For all of you who don't know Carden, she taught art for 23 years in the school system in Ledyard, CT. She now lives in central Pennsylvania, where she makes art and rides her horse Lauren. 

Carden says she makes art because it's what she has always done. 

"Drawings always enhanced my schoolwork, mural work beckoned me, and once I was in junior and senior high school, I was in art classes and working on the school magazine and yearbook. No wonder I went to art school, where I majored in painting." 

"I found my voice as an art teacher and remained one for 33 years," she says. During that time, she painted, made ceramic sculpture, participated in many juried shows, and had a few solo shows, as well. 

"Now in retirement," Holland says, "I am still inspired by my new surroundings and I am  still making art in a variety of media." 

Her work in our show is really wonderful. There are a few oil paintings, and the rest are paintings made with a fantastic process that uses gouache and ink. She makes the pieces on paper, then washes them in a tub and recolors them. They are fascinating and alluring pieces! 

The Groton Public Library, 52 Newtown Road, Groton, is open seven days a week, though the hours vary. For info, check the site at

Gorton's Pond, by Carden Holland

Fort Monroe, AL, by Carrie Jacobson

New London Fishermen, by Carden Holland

Our shared wall


p.s. Though I don't know where my next painting trip will take me,
 I already have my first sponsor! 

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